
It is with mixed emotion that we have made the difficult decision that we can no longer open our gardens to the public.   We had hoped to do it for one more year but as Spring approached we realized, for a whole host of reasons, that we just couldn’t do it this year either.  We were very glad that for the past 14 years so many visitors were able to experience the beauty and enjoyment of the rhodys here at Gleaner Gardens, and we appreciate the much-needed encouragement everyone gave us.  Restoring and maintaining these gardens has been challenging and fulfilling, but the best part was meeting all of the visitors every Memorial Day Weekend.   We will truly miss our visitors, especially those who came year after year. Thanks  you for your patronage over the years, and a special thanks for the Rhode Island Wild Plant Society, without who’s help we wouldn’t have been able to open the gardens these past 10 years.

Cindy and Chuck


Gleaner Gardens

People, Places and Plants, Spring 2005